Saturday, November 27, 2010

Japanese Capsule Hotels

Welcome to the future. Capsule hotels are popping up everywhere in Japan, mostly in or near centers of mass transit. While they are becoming increasingly more popular in Japan, you might think it was a bizarre laundromat if you stumbled into a row of them unawares. These capsule hotels are stacked living compartments that allow space owners to turn a small room into a four story hotel for commuters and travelers. With only room for a bed, small beside table, a television mounted above you, and ample room to sit up, a traveler's luggage is stored in a nearby locker outside the capsules; and public restroom facilities are usually available to tenants of the hotel.

Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode ...

Controls for your television and radio, your alarm clock, and a panic button.

You can access adult material via the pay-box below the television set.

Blinds are available for privacy when sleeping. (Or uh, if you accessed the pay-box.)

Pictures #1:
Pictures #2: